
Showing posts from June, 2023

MBA 6101 - Week 7: Post 1: Does AI Play an Important Role in Home Appliances?

 Does AI Play an Important Role in Home Appliances?  The simple answer is, yes! Home appliances are increasingly incorporating artificial intelligence to enhance their functionality and provide advanced features to best fit consumer needs. Things like voice assistance, predictive cooking, adaptive learning, and even enhancements with safety are at the top of what AI brings to these appliances. In fact, many manufactures are switching to appliances that only include AI, and here is why.  First, AI provides appliances with voice recognition and smart assistants. AI-powered home appliances, such as smart speakers, use natural language processing to understand and respond to voice commands. They can perform tasks like playing music, providing information, controlling other appliances, and more.  Meanwhile, smart assistant appliances like smart refrigerators, ovens, and washing machines employ AI to integrate with virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant. These assistants ca

Week 6: Post 2: MBA 6101 How does Artificial Intelligence Impact Healthcare?

 How does Artificial Intelligence Impact Healthcare?  Artificial intelligence or more commonly known as A.I. has various applications in healthcare, revolutionizing the industry by enhancing diagnosis, treatment, research, and overall patient care. Although some may be skeptical of the technologies safety and security, AI has increasingly been seen more and more throughout hospitals and clinics worldwide and now even at the palm of our hands. Here are some of the various ways where AI has been utilized in the healthcare field and some of their benefits.  First, AI plays an important role in medical imaging and diagnostics. AI algorithms can analyze medical images, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs, to aid in the detection and diagnosis of diseases. AI can also help identify abnormalities, tumors, or lesions more accurately and efficiently than human experts. Secondly, AI can help with predictive analytics and early detection. AI can analyze vast amounts of patient data, including medi

Week 6: Post 1: MBA 6101 - Chat GPT Responds to "How Does AI Help Advance Technology?"

 How Does AI Help Advance Technology For this post, I asked Chat GPT to respond to the question "How does AI help advance technology" and this was the response.  AI, or better known as artificial intelligence, plays a crucial role in advancing technology in numerous ways. Here are some key ways in which AI contributes to technological advancements: Automation and Efficiency: AI enables automation of tasks that were previously performed by humans, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. AI systems can analyze large volumes of data, perform repetitive tasks, and make complex decisions quickly and accurately. This automation improves efficiency across various industries, from manufacturing and logistics to healthcare and customer service. Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics: AI leverages machine learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns, trends, and insights. This capability allows organizations to make data-driven decisions, predi

Week 5: Post 2 MBA 6101: Artificial Intelligence in The Classroom

Do Schools like Artificial Intelligence in The Classroom?  One of the common topics we read about today is how AI is finding its way into classrooms. From providing students answers to homework problems, to helping students learn and develop, the question still stands, do schools like AI in the classroom? Well the answer is simply yes, schools utilize AI (Artificial Intelligence) in various ways to provide benefit to their students and faculty. AI technology has the potential to enhance education and provide valuable tools and resources for both teachers and students. Here are some examples of how AI is being used in schools: First, AI has brought us intelligent tutoring systems. AI-powered tutoring systems can provide personalized learning experiences for students. These systems use machine learning algorithms to analyze student performance, identify areas of weakness, and provide targeted feedback and support. Likewise, adaptive learning platforms are also another major focus that AI

Week 5: Post 1 - MBA 6101: Artificial Intelligence in Major Companies

 How do Companies Like Apple Utilize Artificial Intelligence?  When it comes to the many companies and products that our population utilizes on a daily basis, one must consider the impacts that AI or Artificial Intelligence has on those such as Apple. Apple creates a wide range of products such as the most popular Iphone, MacBook laptops, smart watches, and even smart home products to name a few. Each one of these products as well as the services that are provided within those products utilizes artificial intelligence in some way or another. Here are some of the products and how AI impacts their utilization.  First, Apple's Siri voice assistant is known as one of the most popular voice assistants in the world. The infamous Siri was one of the first consumer facing voice assistants and was released back in 2011 with the world class iPhone 4S. Siri employs natural language processing and machine learning techniques to understand and respond to user queries and commands. Siri is commo

Week 4: Post 2 - MBA 6101: Brand Partnerships

 Brand Partnerships: Brand partnerships are defined as strategic collaborations between two or more brands that aim to achieve mutual benefits and leverage each other's strengths, tools, and resources for a more beneficial and in many cases, higher financial profit outcome. They have become increasingly important in today's business landscape due to several reasons and are most commonly seen in the retail industry as well as more recently throughout social media.  Some of the more common benefits of brand partnerships include things like expanded reach and wider audiences. Brand partnerships allow companies to tap into new markets and reach a wider audience by doing so. By collaborating with another brand that has a complementary customer base, they can access new segments and increase their brand visibility. A great example of this is through Best Buy an Amazon. While both are competitors at hand, they have partnered to bring the Best Buy Insignia brand to life through the use

Week 4: Post 1 - MBA 6101: Do The Pro's Outweigh The Con's; Artificial Intellegence

  Do The Pro's Outweigh The Con's; Artificial Intelligence  When it comes to Artificial Intelligence, or better know as AI in todays society, there are a lot of concerns around things like privacy, data security, job security, dependability, and many other aspects. On the contrary, many users find AI to simplify their lifestyle, reduce the threat to humans, and provide a sense of security to name a few. While there are arguments to both sides of the story here, is there a telling tail as to which one outweighs the other? Or does AI simply have an unwanted place in our daily lives?  Benefits of Artificial Intelligence:  Artificial Intelligence offers a wide range of benefits and has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives. Through automation and efficiency, AI can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up human workers to focus on more complex and creative activities. This automation leads to increased efficiency, reduced errors, and improved productivity across

Week 3: Post 2: Apple Maps and Artificial Intelligence go Hand in Hand

 Apple Maps and Artificial Intelligence go Hand in Hand  Apple Maps utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) in several ways to enhance its functionality and provide a better user experience. More than 127 million Americans use an Apple iPhone  which means more than 127 million users are also impacted directly by the functionality of artificial intelligence within the Apple Maps program itself. Here are some of the ways AI is used in Apple Maps: Routing and navigation: AI algorithms analyze real-time traffic data, historical patterns, and other relevant factors to generate optimal routes and provide accurate turn-by-turn navigation instructions. This helps users avoid traffic congestion and choose the fastest routes based on current conditions. Along with routing and navigation, predictive traffic: Apple Maps uses AI to predict traffic conditions based on historical data and real-time information. This enables the app to provide estimated travel times, anticipate congestion, and suggest a

Week 3: Post 1 - MBA 6101: A.I.Comes to Photoshop

Artificial Intelligence Comes To Photoshop In recent developments, one of the worlds most well known editing platforms added one of the fastest growing tools, artificial intelligence. These AI power features allow uses to edit content in a flash, make both major and minor adjustments with a simple click of a button, replace any unwanted noise, and even make the photo appear like it was taken in a completely different location. AI has powered many creators to do the unimaginable and here are a few of those reasons why.  1. Content-Aware Fill: Content-Aware Fill is a powerful tool that uses AI algorithms to intelligently fill in selected areas of an image based on the surrounding content. It can remove unwanted objects, fill in missing parts, or extend backgrounds seamlessly.  2. Sky Replacement: Photoshop's Sky Replacement feature leverages AI to automatically detect the sky in an image and replace it with a different sky of your choice. The AI algorithms analyze the image and intel