
Showing posts from May, 2023

Week 2: Post 2 - MBA 6101: The Daily Impact of AI

 What Artificial Intelligence Features Impact our Lives on a Daily Basis? Artificial intelligence (AI) features have become increasingly integrated into our daily lives wether you like it or not. Offering various benefits and impacts. Here are some AI features that have a significant influence on our day-to-day activities: 1. Virtual Assistants: AI-powered virtual assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa have become commonplace on smartphones and smart speakers. They provide voice-activated assistance, perform tasks like locking and unlocking doors, turning lights on and off, answering questions, setting reminders, and control smart home devices, which all end up making our lives more convenient. 2. Recommendation Systems: AI algorithms power recommendation systems used by platforms like Netflix, Amazon, and Spotify. These systems analyze user preferences, behavior, and patterns to suggest personalized content, products, and music, enhancing our entertainment and shopping expe

Week 2 - Post 1: MBA 6101 - What Impact Does AI Provide on Self Driving Cars?

 AI and Self Driving Cars When it comes to the vehicles on the road today, many people do not realize that a lot of them might be using Artificial Intelligence to provide self driving capabilities. AI and self driving vehicles have received a lot of praise while also receiving a lot of backlash and pushback on their safety and necessities in our society. While some push that these artificial features will push the limits on safety, others claim safety is neglected and people will use it as an excuse to not have to actually drive. Across all social media platforms, it has been seen numerous times, videos of people sleeping behind the wheel, texting, putting on makeup, or even reading books while the car does all the work. If this is what society is turning to, the question left on the table is, what all goes into self driving vehicles, and how is AI driving these features?  AI plays a significant role in the development and operation of self-driving cars. Self-driving cars, also known a

Week 1: Post 2 - MBA 6601: How Does AI Influence Consumer Purchasing Behavior?

 How Does AI Influence Consumer Purchasing Behavior?  AI has a significant impact on consumer purchasing behavior by influencing various aspects of the buying process. From making recommendations, to helping customers decide what products are best fit for there needs, the opportunities are endless. Here are some key ways in which AI influences consumer purchasing behavior: 1. Personalized recommendations: AI-powered recommendation systems analyze vast amounts of consumer data, such as browsing history, purchase history, and demographic information, to provide personalized product recommendations. By understanding individual preferences and behavior patterns, AI can suggest products or services that are more likely to appeal to consumers, leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction. 2. Enhanced customer service: AI chatbots and virtual assistants can provide quick and personalized customer support. They can answer product-related queries, provide recommendations, and assist wit

Week 1: Does AI Have an Impact on Retail?

Does AI Have an Impact on Retail? As you begin to navigate your favorite retail stores website, what do you notice? A pop-up tab asking if you need assistance? A chat window asking "how can I help?", or a page of recommended add ons for the product you're looking at? This is AI, otherwise known as Artificial Intelligence. AI has a significant impact on digital marketing and consumer behavior across various aspects in the retail landscape. While enabling marketers to not only optimize their strategies and improve customer experiences, but by also achieving greater financial results and providing the customer with the tools to increase their overall backset. In fact, according to Mark Conway of BusinessWire, 73% of consumers have reported that they not only had a positive experience using retail AI, but that it has also made their lives much simpler when it comes to retail trends, and here are some of the reasons why:   1. Data analysis and insights: AI algorithms can proce